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Foto: PR / Amy Andersen

Partnervermittlerin No. 1! Amy Andersen

Inspirierende Unternehmer findet man leider nicht wie Sand am Meer. Kat€ hat sich auf die Suche gemacht und wurde in den USA fündig. Genauer gesagt in Silicon Valley. Amy Andersen hat sich hier mit harter Arbeit und einem hervorragenden Netzwerk eine renommierte Partnervermittlung aufgebaut. Zu Ihrem Kundenkreis gehören die Top Manager von Firmen wie Facebook, Google & Co. Kurz: Diejenigen, die vor lauter Arbeit keine Zeit finden, sich auf die Suche nach dem Traumpartner zu machen. Amy Andersen ist eine von vielen inspirierenden Unternehmern. Und Inspiration ist es, was du brauchst, wenn du als Unternehmer im Leben durchstarten möchtest. Damit du niemals den Fokus verlierst, ist ein Vorbild wie Amy Andersen deine treibende Kraft auf dem steinigen Weg zum Unternehmertum.

By the way: Hammer Kleid, was Amy trägt. Werbung.

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Dürfen wir vorstellen? Amy Andersen





Driving Force in Life:

I am motivated at helping people connect through my company. It amazes me that there are very few options for high caliber men and women to connect. So many single people, very few options to meet one another due to working all the time and having limited social resources.

Biggest Accomplishment:

Giving birth to my beautiful son

Born Rich or Poor?

I was born into a very nice home where my parents gave me a wonderful education and lots of opportunties in front of me. From the time I was a child, I was motivated to be an entrepreneur. I started my first little business selling flowers to my next door neighbors when I was 10 years old and then started a children’s summer camp when I was 16 years old.

View on Education:

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Necessary in the USA if you want options in life for careers. University was not only a wonderful experience of learning but one of tremendous growth as a young adult. My husband teaches part time at Stanford University – so I better like the idea of education! 🙂

Vision (in Business):

Be the best you can be at all times. Do not let the little things distract you. Focus on the big picture. Stay hungry. Be optimistic. Work, work, work. Hire someone smarter than you are. Never give up. Never let people say your idea is foolish. Be honest. Be ethical. Differentiate yourself from the competition by being the best in the business. Perseverance! Determination!

Biggest Failure:

Hiring the wrong person

Leadership Style:

I am militant about being extremely organized with how I run the business and I am known for being aggressive in a smart CEO way to close prospects (from a sales stand point I love doing sales) to become clients. I like to motivate others around me to be positive and forward thinking. I never dwell on the past. I look ahead and encourage others to do the same.

Das passende Buch zum Thema Frauen und Leadership! (Werbung)

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Be the best you can be at all times.

Greatest Obsession:

Besides my business and being a mom to a young son, I would say it is critical that I be able to work out and take care of my mind and my body!


I work with other experts in their fields – dating coaches, wardrobe stylists, etc.

Psst! It’s Podcast-Time with Special Guest Amy Andersen!

Den vollständigen Steckbrief sowie die Übersetzung findest du im Finanzdiva Buch „Reichtum ist Frauensache“ 

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